With the announcement that all schools in Singapore are transitioning to home-based learning from 19 May, parents will have their hands full at home.
But don’t worry, a regular daily routine for preschoolers and primary school students can help you manage your time during this period. Let us show you how.
Theme And Topics You Can Choose
It would be easier to plan out your daily schedule with your kiddo if you’ve got a theme or a specific topic to talk about for the day. This way you can coordinate activities and games surrounding the topic.
To help you decide on what you can use, here are several themes you can choose for each day:
- Family
- Community workers
- Frontliners
- Farm animals
- Plants
- Wild animals
- Transportation
- Weather
- Ocean
- Forest
- Outer space
- Reptiles
- Insects
- Food
- Being eco-friendly (ie recycling)
Daily Routine For Preschoolers And Primary School Students
Here’s a daily routine for preschoolers and primary school students that you can go through. But remember that you don’t have to necessarily follow this schedule step-by-step as it only serves as a guide for what you can do with your little one.
It would also help if you time each activity with your phone or watch to keep track of what you have planned out for the day.
Image source: iStock
The best way to start your day is with a healthy breakfast! Prepare the first meal of your daily routine with your child and use this opportunity to discuss what food you’re eating.
You can also talk about how you prepared it, where it came from, and why it’s good for you.
Read:Boost Your Child’s Immune System With These Foods
Take this time to discuss what you’re going to do for the day and what your expectations are. It’s always best that your child is aware of you expectations from them so that work and play accordingly.
You can go over the rules they should follow around the house. You can also lay out the schedule of the day and discuss it with your kid.
Before you continue with this daily routine for preschoolers and primary school students, find out what day it is with your little one.
Check the calendar for the date and what the weather is like outside.
Time to introduce the theme for the day and read a book on the topic together. Once you’re done reading, you can prepare comprehensive questions for your child such as:
- Who were the characters in the book?
- Where did the story take place?
- Did you like anything about the story?
- What happened in the beginning, middle and end?
If there’s a bit more time in your hands, you can also sing songs together about the theme you chose.
A daily routine for preschoolers and primary school students should also include development in various subjects.
During this time, you can use the theme to integrate math, science and literacy. You can do activities together to practice these subjects.
- For instance, if the topic is about the ocean, you can count some fish via video or drawings together
- Ask questions like how many fishes they can spot and colours of each fish
30 minutes
Art activities are a must in a preschoolers and primary school students’ daily routine. It gives your child a chance to express their creativity and ideas.
You can work together on an art activity revolving around the theme you chose.
Of course, afterwards, you can teach your child to clean up any mess so you can teach him the value of picking up afterwards.
Before moving on, give your child a bit of space to discuss what you just learnt about the theme of the day. Review the book you just read and display what you’ve done so far.
Image source: iStock
If you’ve got a bit of outdoor space surrounding your house, let your child play a bit there.
Washing hands is very important, now more so than ever. So make sure your child follows this personal hygiene exercise after their outdoor play.
You can also use this time to enjoy a snack or quick lunch.
Let your child go through books on the theme and let them read on their own. You can even display the alphabet on the wall to help them name the letters.
Lunchtime is also an essential part of a daily routine for preschoolers and primary school students. Don’t skip meals, kids!
Read: Rice Cooker Meal Recipes To Dish Out During This #StayHome Period
Your kiddo must be tired by now so it may be time for a nap or a bit of rest time.
But if your child seems to have too much pent up energy, they can also spend this hour for free play. You can prepare toys that may fit with the theme you chose.
Another light snack would also be good by this time of the day.
Image source: iStock
Time for STEAM! Construct something with your child relating to science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics such as:
- Building blocks
- Playing with rocks
- Making a 3D construction
- Use recyclable products like shoe boxes, cans or water bottles to create something related to the theme
30 minutes
You can read books together again to learn more about the topic of the day.
More free play our outdoor play is still necessary for a daily routine for preschoolers and primary school students. Especially with how important playing is for a child’s development.
In this day and age, a bit of screen time can be added to a daily routine for preschoolers and primary schoolers.
Use technology to find more information on your themes such as YouTube videos or a virtual museum. You might even find an app or a fun learning game on the topic of the day.
Prepare dinner with your kiddo and talk about the food you’re preparing.
Talk about the measurements in the recipe as well as the colour, texture and taste of the meal you’re cooking.
Image source: iStock
Read: Two-ingredient Recipes For You To Whip Up At Home
Aside from a daily routine for preschoolers and primary school students, it’s better for kids to have a regular bedtime schedule.
After dinner, you can prepare a warm bath for your little one.
Dress up your child for bedtime in soft sleep clothes or pyjamas. Also, let your child choose what they want to wear to help them learn about dressing themselves up.
What’s a bedtime routine without a lullaby or a story to read to your child before they fall into a peaceful slumber after a long productive day.

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