Many assume that consuming soy milk during pregnancy will affect the development of the fetus. Many also say that there are several benefits of soy milk for pregnant women.
According to an article published byJournal of Perinatal Education2003, soy milk was enriched with calcium and vitamins from soybeans.
This soy product is high in protein and has nine vital amino acids .
According to Elizabeth Somer, MA, RD, Salem, Ore.- based author of “ Eat Your Way to Happiness (Harlequin) ,” soybeans are packed with essential nutrients.
“In addition to high-quality protein, soybeans also provide folate, iron, calcium, zinc, and minerals. Soybeans are also high in fiber, and they are a source of omega-3 fatty acids,” Elizabeth said as quoted by Parents .
Although it contains many important nutrients, especially for vegans and vegetarians, the pros and cons of soy milk for pregnant women still exist.
Therefore, pregnant women need to know the benefits and risks of soy milk for the mother and fetus.
Benefits of Soy Milk for Pregnant Women

While there may be some differences of opinion regarding consuming soy milk during pregnancy, here are some benefits of soy milk for pregnant women that cannot be ignored.
Reported from the Momjunction page , here are some of the benefits of soy milk for pregnant women:
- Soy milk is rich in folic acid. Folic acid provides the necessary nutrients during pregnancy. Regular consumption of folic acid increases the growth of nerve cells and optimizes fetal development.
- Vitamin B1, A and E are some of the vitamins you need the most at this stage. Vitamin E gives you enough energy which helps you stay healthy. Soy milk, which is a rich source of vitamins, helps you meet your vitamin needs.
- Known to be rich in protein that ensures the health of various organs of the body. Protein ensures the fetus’ organs to develop properly. Some of the proteins you can find in soy milk are threonine, arginine, isoleucine, glycine, and lysine.
- Rich in vegetable fats which are good for you and your fetus during pregnancy.
- Soy milk contains carbohydrates that increase your energy levels during pregnancy.
- Being low in saturated fat and cholesterol, soy milk helps reduce the risk of heart disease. Cholesterol is present in animal products-meat and milk.
- Soy milk is rich in iron, zinc, and vitamin B12. Iron is needed for the formation of healthy blood and red blood cells.
- Zinc is also necessary for proper immune system function, and vitamin B12 is essential for nerve function.
- Soy milk is a good source of fiber which is known to help lower cholesterol and prevent constipation.
- If you have problems with blood pressure, you might want to know that soy milk has been shown to lower blood pressure, especially diastolic blood pressure, as reported on the pageJN.
What are the Risks or Side Effects of Soy Milk for Pregnant Women?

Despite its high nutritional content, the side effects of soy milk should not be completely ignored. Here are some examples:
- Soy milk contains isoflavones that resemble estrogen . In pregnant women carrying male fetuses, excessive isoflavone intake is believed to increase the risk of the fetus experiencing abnormalities in the reproductive system or vital organs. Meanwhile, in female fetuses, excessive isoflavone intake is thought to increase the risk of the fetus experiencing early puberty later.
- Experiments conducted on animals consuming high doses of soy milk have found the development of tumors or other physical abnormalities in unborn babies.
- Some pregnant women are known to experience allergy symptoms. Such as rashes, swelling, breathing problems, vomiting and nausea due to frequent consumption of soy milk regularly.
- Consumption of soy milk in rare cases has also resulted in anaphylaxis.
- There is no conclusive report, which completely rejects the intake of soy milk for pregnant women. However, it is better to avoid excessive consumption of soy milk to avoid birth defects in babies.
- Isoflavones contained in soybeans are also said to trigger migraine headaches.
According to a 2010 study inFrontiers in Neuroendocrinology, mice fed the phytoestrogen isoflavones – derived from soy – showed difficulty conceiving and even permanent infertility.
Study researchers also noted that early consumption of soy phytoestrogens, including those in the womb, may result in lifelong risks, including an increased risk of breast cancer .
Further studies have reported that vegetarian mothers are at increased risk of giving birth to boys with genital abnormalities, potentially, in part, as a result of phytoestrogens.
Research results are less conclusive, but there is concern that early phytoestrogen consumption results in altered reproductive health.
Because of the possible effects on premenopausal women, researchers recommend that women who want to become pregnant consume soy products with caution and choose not to give their babies formula.
How Much Soy Milk is Safe for Pregnant Women?

Since soy milk is packed with essential nutrients that you need, consuming it in moderation will not pose any risk to the fetus.
- You can safely consume about four servings of soy milk daily.
- If you are not allergic to soy milk, one cup of soy milk is safe to consume.
Soybeans are good for pregnancy, as long as you consume them in moderation.
It is advisable to consult a doctor regarding the benefits of soy milk for pregnant women during pregnancy, as your immune system is weakened during this time.
Incorrect consumption can pose a risk of food-borne diseases for you and your unborn child.
Tips for Choosing Good Soy Milk
Soy milk is made by soaking, pureeing, and straining soybeans and water.
Soy milk can be made unsweetened, sweetened, or with added flavors (chocolate, for example).
You may also see soy cream and other soy milk products, such as soy yogurt or cheese.
As reported on the Everyday Health website , some tips for choosing soy milk include:
1. No Sweetener or Minimal Sweetener
There are several considerations when choosing soy milk. One of them is looking for a product that is unsweetened.
Sweet versions can contain around 5g of sugar per serving or more for example.
Many brands of soy milk contain high amounts of added sugar.
And watch out for vanilla-flavored soy milk as it often contains more than a tablespoon of added sugar per serving.
2. Avoid ResidueGlyphosate
Healthy foods do not have glyphosate residues.
Most soybeans are genetically modified to be tolerant to herbicides, and genetically engineered soybeans often contain glyphosate residues.
In fact, when the USDA tested crops for glyphosate residues in 2011, they found 90% of all soybeans contained glyphosate residues.
The safety of low-level chronic exposure to glyphosate is not proven.
Therefore, it is recommended to consume organic or non-GMO soybeans to minimize the possibility of glyphosate residue intake.
3. Avoid Soy Milk That Contains Thickeners
Vegetable beverages often contain thickeners to prevent separation and improve the texture of the beverage.
However, these thickeners can sometimes cause discomfort to the digestive system.
For example, there is a thickener with the nameGellan gum.
Gellan gumare polysaccharides (sugar polymers) and soluble dietary fiber.
It is produced by bacterial fermentation of glucose or other carbon sources such as corn syrup, lactose, whey protein, or soy extract.
It is best to avoid foods that contain thickeners.
However, occasionally eating small amounts of these thickeners may be fine, unless you are experiencing gastrointestinal discomfort or are following a certain diet.
4. Choose Healthy
The benefits of soy milk for pregnant women will only be felt if they really know the source .
The healthiest soy milk contains only two simple ingredients: water and organic soybeans.
However, many store-bought soy milks are not healthy choices.
These soy milks are thickened with processed ingredients and most are sweetened with excessive amounts of added sugar.
5. Contains Vitamin D
Finally, read the label to make sure your soy milk is fortified with additional vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin D.
Soy milk does not naturally contain calcium.
You can look at the label to see which has the most similar nutritional content to cow’s milk.
Most soy milks found in grocery stores have a long list of ingredients.
However, there are some store-bought soy milks with minimal ingredients and no added sugar.
Should Pregnant Women Drink Cow’s Milk Too, or Is Soy Milk Enough?
Soybeans can be a healthy part of your pregnancy menu.
If you are concerned about how much soy to eat to get the benefits of soy milk for pregnant women, talk to your doctor.
Popular Questions about the Benefits of Soy Milk for Pregnant Women
Can pregnant women drink soy milk every day?
Pregnant women can drink soy milk every day. Drinking one or two glasses per day is usually safe and can provide a lot for pregnant women. For more details, consult your doctor.
What should pregnant women consume to make their baby’s skin white?
In order for the baby’s skin to be white and clean, pregnant women can consume yoghurt and curd, which are said to be able to influence the skin color of the fetus.
When is the best time to drink soy milk?
The best time to drink soy milk is in the morning with breakfast, or at night a maximum of 2 hours before bedtime. Avoid consuming soy milk on an empty stomach because it can trigger bloating.
Make sure to balance your pregnancy diet by eating fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and other lean proteins, as well as by drinking enough water .
Are you one of those who consume soy milk during pregnancy?