What Do They Look For in a Girl During Ultrasound?
When you’re pregnant, you often get to see your little one on an ultrasound. It’s a magical experience! It also helps on how to tell baby gender from ultrasound pictures. But what do they look for in an ultrasound to tell that the baby is a girl?
During an ultrasound, determining a baby girl’s gender involves checking for specific markers:
Reproductive Organs: The sonographer looks for the presence of ovaries, fallopian tubes, and a uterus, as well as female genitalia, including the labia majora and minora.
Symmetry in Facial Features: This ensures the baby’s development is on track.
Limbs and Hands: They check for symmetry in limbs and digits to rule out potential genetic disorders.
Image Source: iStock
What Do They Look For in a Boy During Ultrasound?
They’re not just looking at the size of his genitals (although that’s an important factor). They’re also looking at his facial structure, his body shape, and even the way he moves. So, how to tell from an ultrasound picture if you’re expecting a baby boy?
To identify a baby boy, the sonographer examines the following:
Genital Development: The size and structure of the genitals are key indicators.
Facial Structure: Symmetry in the eyes and mouth suggests healthy brain development.
Body Movements: These may also provide clues about development.
What Determines the Gender of a Baby
A baby’s gender is determined by chromosomes in the sperm and egg. If the sperm contributes an X chromosome, the baby will be a girl. If it contributes a Y chromosome, the baby will be a boy. The gender is established at the moment of conception.
How to Know Baby Gender Without Ultrasound
Now you have an idea of how to tell baby gender from an ultrasound picture. We all know that ultrasounds are the best way to determine your baby’s gender, but what if you don’t have access to it at the moment? What if you cannot get one for financial reasons, lack of insurance, or just plain old inconvenience?
In those cases, you may want to check these methods that are believed to be ways to determine whether you’re having a boy or a girl. But do remember that there is no clear evidence that these are absolute ways and are not always accurate.
1. The Chinese Gender Calendar
The Chinese Gender Calendar is based on the idea that each year corresponds with a yin or yang characteristic—yin being female and yang being male. The year of your child’s birth should be written down on an index card and placed in a small bag with various items representing their gender: pink for girls and blue for boys.
2. The Hormone Test
The hormone test uses a blood sample from your arm to determine whether your body produces higher-than-normal amounts of either male or female hormones. If you’re pregnant with a boy, your body will produce high male hormones (such as testosterone).
If you’re pregnant with a girl, it will produce higher levels of female hormones (like estrogen). By testing the amount of these hormones in your bloodstream, doctors can determine whether or not you’re having a boy or girl.
3. Sex Position Determining the Gender of Baby
There are a lot of myths related to determining a baby’s sex. One of them is the couple’s sex position during intercourse when they conceived the baby.
According to science, no evidence shows how you lay during intercourse affects your baby’s gender. That said, there are still some people who believe that this is true.
Sex position does not determine the gender of your child. It does not matter what position you choose for sex, whether you’re on top or bottom, your baby’s gender will be determined by its chromosomes and not by how you make love to your partner.
Checking baby image through an ipad | Image Source: iStock
Is It Legal to Check Gender of Baby in Singapore
Yes, it is legal to determine your baby’s gender in Singapore. Ultrasounds are typically conducted between the 18th and 20th week and are considered safe. However, in some countries, gender determination is restricted due to concerns about sex-selective practices. In Singapore, there are no such legal restrictions.
Determining your baby’s gender through ultrasound adds excitement to your parenting journey. While ultrasound images provide valuable clues, remember that the real joy lies in the anticipation of welcoming your little one. So, embrace the experience and get ready for the wonderful surprises ahead!
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