During pregnancy, you may be at risk of being infected with bacteria that can cause sore throat. Let’s get to know the symptoms, causes, and types of anti-inflammatory drugs for pregnant women that are safe to treat it.
Is Sore Throat Dangerous During Pregnancy?

Sore throat is basically not dangerous for pregnant women. Although it makes pregnant women uncomfortable, serious complications are rare.
However, this does not mean that this disease can be ignored. If left untreated, sore throat can be at risk for more serious health problems, such as kidney inflammation and rheumatic fever.
During pregnancy, mothers certainly want to limit illness so they don’t have to take medication. However, not all pregnant women can go through their pregnancy without health problems.
One of the health problems that pregnant women often experience is sore throat. The first thing that pregnant women need to understand is the cause of sore throat so that they can easily treat it.
So instead of rushing to buy sore throat medicine or choosing not to take it at all, it’s better for you to learn how to treat and prevent sore throats scientifically and naturally.
Causes of Sore Throat in Pregnant Women

Here are some of the most common causes of sore throat during pregnancy, according to the website Mom Loves Best:
1. Bacteria
Bacterial infections can cause a sore throat – treated with prescription antibiotics. One of the symptoms of a sore throat is a white coating or white spots on the back of the throat accompanied by a high fever.
Strep throat caused by bacteria usually comes from Streptococcus pyogenes or group A streptococcus bacteria – Group B Streptococcus is usually found in the vagina or rectum and can be transmitted from mother to baby during childbirth and this bacteria is not related to the one that causes strep throat.
Group A streptococcus, which causes strep throat, is a highly contagious and easily spread bacteria.
You can get infected if someone infected with this bacteria sneezes or coughs and you inhale the air droplets.
Mothers can also become infected when sharing food with the same eating utensils (droplet). These bacteria can also survive on surfaces, such as doorknobs, where they can transfer from your hands to your eyes, nose, or mouth.
2. Virus
Most sore throats are caused by viruses that also cause the common cold and seasonal flu. One way to minimize your chances of getting the flu is to get an annual flu vaccine early in pregnancy.
Pregnant women who get the flu can be in a very serious condition, and can even cause complications, one of which is premature birth and low birth weight .
3. Environmental Irritation
There are many things that can irritate the throat and nasal passages, including dry air, dust, pollen or other allergens, smoke, and chemicals.
If environmental irritants are the cause of your sore throat, the best way to treat it is to avoid the source of the irritation. To moisten the air in your home, use a humidifier.
4. Postnasal Drip
When the sinuses dry out, mucus drips down the back of the throat and this can be very irritating and lead to a chronic cough. This is usually caused by a bacterial or viral infection of the sinuses.
5. Weaker Immune System
During pregnancy, the mother’s immune system decreases because it is focused on protecting the fetus in the womb. This causes the mother’s body to become more susceptible to all kinds of infections.
6. Pregnancy Hormones
Due to fluctuating hormones, the body experiences several symptoms, including dry mouth, excessive thirst, and sore throat.
If this is the cause of your sore throat, there are several medical options available. You can focus on increasing your comfort with warm drinks and safe throat lozenges.
7. Acid Reflux
Acid reflux occurs when stomach contents, including stomach acid, rise back up into the esophagus. This condition causes a number of symptoms, one of the secondary symptoms being a sore throat.
When pregnant, the digestive process becomes slower and the digestive system is compressed. Another thing is because the hormone progesterone has relaxed the muscles in the esophagus so that food goes down to the stomach and up to the esophagus (when pregnant women experience symptoms of stomach acid).
Other causes of sore throats were explained by I Le Thi Phuong, a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology at Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital, as reported on the websiteVinmec:
- Sudden changes in weather make it difficult for the body to adapt to time.
- Eating food that is too salty can damage the lining of the throat.
- Increased mucus secretion.
- Pregnant women often feel hot, drink too much ice or sit in front of a fan, and cause a sore throat.
Signs and Symptoms of Sore Throat

A sore throat is a feeling of irritation in the back of the throat where symptoms can vary greatly from mild to severe. Generally, citing the pageHealthline, the symptoms are like this:
- Throat is very sore
- Red and swollen tonsils
- Headache
- White spots on throat or tonsils
- Significant lack of energy, general weakness, and fatigue
- Difficulty swallowing and eating
- Swelling around the neck
- Enlarged lymph nodes
- Fever
- Loss of appetite
- Cough
Other symptoms of strep throat can include nausea, difficulty breathing, and stomach pain. You don’t have to have every symptom listed above to have strep throat.
If you experience even a few of these, it’s a good idea to immediately see an obstetrician.
Anti-inflammatory Medicine for Pregnant Women

A sore throat may not be a big deal for people with normal health. However, for pregnant women, this disease causes a lot of worries.
Actually, this disease is easily cured with antibiotics. However, not all antibiotics are safe for the fetus and the condition of the pregnant mother, especially if consumed excessively.
There are several antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs for pregnant women that are not dangerous and safe to consume, including:
- Antibiotics that can be used are: Penicillin (such as amoxicillin and ampicillin), Cephalosporin (such as cephalexin), or Erythromycin.
- Acetaminophen (active ingredient inTylenol). You still have to be wise in usingTylenolduring pregnancy as excessive use has been linked to liver damage.
- Cough drops.
- Throat sprays. Most throat sprays have antiseptic properties to help relieve sore throats.
- Throat lozenges are generally safe to use during pregnancy. Some contain menthol, which helps relieve cold symptoms.
- If the sore throat is caused by acid reflux, antacids such asTumsorRollaidsafe to consume. However, choose one that contains calcium carbonate rather than sodium bicarbonate because it can cause water retention.
However, if you want to take the above medicines, pregnant women must still ask for a recommendation from a doctor and take them according to the recommended dosage.
Another way that pregnant women can do is:
- Check your temperature. Check your temperature and make sure you don’t have a fever before treating your sore throat. You are said to have a fever if your body temperature is 37.8 degrees Celsius. Fever can indicate an infection in the body that needs to be treated immediately, especially in the first trimester.
- Complete your nutrition by taking vitamin A and C supplements to boost your immune system. Vitamin B is abundant in animal milk and many other types of milk.
- Drink lots of water to keep your body hydrated.
- Get plenty of rest so your body can recover quickly.
Natural Anti-Inflammatory Medicine for Pregnant Women
Another more natural way that pregnant women can do to overcome a sore throat is to:
1. Gargle with Salt Water
Gargle with warm salt water for 1 minute 2-3 times a day to disinfect, loosen mucus, and reduce sore throat. Salt is also soothing and helps remove excess moisture in the mouth and throat area.
The method is to mix 1/2 teaspoon of salt with a cup of warm water, stir until the salt dissolves. Take a sip, lean your face upwards and gargle until the solution is at the base of your throat.
2. Traditional Drinks
Some traditional tips can also help pregnant women overcome sore throats and relieve symptoms of dry cough, headache or fever. For example, drinking tea with lemon juice.
Decaffeinated herbal teas can also be a good option. However, it is important to note that consuming too much herbal tea can also be harmful to your health. Therefore, ask your doctor about herbal teas that are good for treating your inflammation.
Treating a sore throat in pregnant women is not difficult, but it is also not easy. All treatments must pay attention to the health of the mother and the baby in the womb.
Anti-inflammatory Drugs for Pregnant Women to Avoid

There are some common medications that should be completely avoided during pregnancy, such as:
- Aspirin
- Ibuprofen
- Teas that contain high caffeine, and avoid teas that contain cinnamon,licorice,chamomile,and red raspberry leaves especially in the first trimester.
- Vitamin C supplements. Vitamin C supplements marketed as immune-boosting (such as the brand name “Emergen-C”) are generally safe to take. It may be tempting to take these products to ward off a more severe cold (which usually starts with a sore throat), but it’s a good idea to talk to your obstetrician first, especially since prenatal vitamins already include vitamin C.
- Zinc lozenges. Like vitamin C, prenatal vitamins already contain all the vitamins and minerals you need during pregnancy. If you add more without your doctor’s knowledge, you may be consuming too much of a vitamin or mineral. Ask your doctor if you still need zinc lozenges to treat your inflammation.
- Avoid cold drinks as they can worsen a sore throat.
How to Prevent Inflammation in Pregnant Women
Pregnant women experience decreased resistance to environmental factors, weather, and other causes of sore throat. To overcome these factors, do the following useful tips:
- Keep your body warm. Pregnant women’s body temperature is often higher than usual and some pregnant women neglect to stay warm which then causes them to get sore throats more easily.
- Dress neatly and in comfortable materials so that your body does not get cold when the weather changes or when you are in an air-conditioned environment.
- Clean your house regularly , vacuum and disinfect the house to reduce bacteria in your home environment.
- Wear a mask when traveling.
- Avoid contact with people who have flu, rhinitis, sore throat.
- Avoid eating cold foods , don’t eat foods that are too spicy, salty, and hot.
- Don’t take a cold shower at night.
- Avoid areas with a lot of cigarette smoke.
Sore throat is very easy to treat and also prevent. You just follow the rules as written in this article and consume anti-inflammatory drugs for pregnant women.
If you feel increasingly uncomfortable with inflammation and also have a fever, it is a good idea to see a doctor immediately.
Republished with permission from theAsianParent Indonesia